Student Government
The Beacon Student Government (BSG) is a student leadership opportunity. The BSG advocates for the rights of all Beacon students and organizes campaigns and events for the benefit of the school and its students. These events vary from being social justice-oriented, collaborations with other clubs, or more casual community bonding events. BSG Leadership members are part of the School Leadership Team (SLT) and help make important decisions for the school. BSG representatives attend SLT meetings and have frequent meetings with the administration. The BSG Core Membership is completely voluntary and the requirement is meeting once a week on Tuesdays from 2:30 to 3:30. The BSG Leadership is elected democratically by the core members each year. BSG Advisory Representatives are elected each year by advisories and meet about once a month with the BSG Advisory Representative Leaders.
Anyone is welcome! BSG members advocate for all students and talk to different members of the community to gather opinions. We are a safe space that is inclusive, regardless of your age or identity. No one will be turned away! Looking forward to meeting everyone!