Special Education

Naisha Baidy: AP Special Education
Antoinette Stokes: Special Ed. Coordinator
Sunita Budhiraja: 504 Coordinator
Joyce Battle: 504 Coordinator
Valerie Flores: College Counselor support for students with IEPs
Monique Lee: Department facilitator

 Mission & Vision for Special Education at Beacon

The Mission of special education department at Beacon is to promote achievement for students with IEPs through collaboration with parents, teachers, support staff and school community at-large, by fostering a rigorous and caring learning environment that emphasizes social, emotional, and intellectual development.

At Beacon, equity is at the center of what we do to ensure all students with IEPs receive access to all programs available to all students in preparation for college and career readiness. Our vision is that all students will be prepared for college and any future career.

As part of Consortium schools, the focus of special education staff is on ensuring that students are receiving the support they need in order to be successful in school. Our role as special educators is to help students build the skills they need to navigate the world, not to enforce arbitrary standards of behavior. Special Education teachers have the experience and education that should lead curriculum planning in order to ensure the success of all learners. 

"Supporting students with IEPs can only happen successfully with a partnership between parents, staff and students. Parents are the experts on who their children are and what their children need."

- N. Baidy, Assistant Principal of Special Education